Important - Practice Closure - The surgery will be closed from 1.00pm until 5.30pm on Wednesday 2nd April for Staff Training. During this time we ask that patients contact 111 for any medically urgent concerns or 999 for life threatening issues.
Everest Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 4HY
Telephone: 01442 500 164
Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111
Local Health Services Extremely Busy Rema Counselling Patient Participation Group Dacorum Mencap Learning Disability annual checks Coffee for Carers event Young People’s Event Pharmacy First You can now see and access your prescriptions electronically in the NHS App….. NHS Jewish BRCA Testing Programme Measles Infection
NHS Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) was created in 2013 to organise the delivery of healthcare to 627,000 people living in west Hertfordshire.
CCGs are made up of our local GPs and other healthcare professionals and are responsible for ‘commissioning’ – planning, designing and paying for your NHS services. They work to help people stay well and to improve NHS services to meet the needs of local patients.
The CCG work with local health and social care organisations, patients and residents to make decisions about how budgets are spent.
CCGs oversee how services are provided to make sure services are of a high quality, easy for patients to access and are joined up with other services that look after people.